What’s more important: Good writing? Or a good story?
(Of course, a book should have BOTH, but…)
Wow, That's a tough one.
I guess I would go with story. While writing is extremely important and sometimes the voice, the beauty with which you construct the sentences can make or break a book, I definitely need a story that is worthwhile. What's the point of a stunning prose if there is no good plot.
But that's just because I had to choose, I think a book MUST have both. I want my cake and I want to eat it too.
Think, Ian McEwan or Margaret Atwood.
Great plots and pretty prose.
This week’s theme is
"The very complexity of her feelings confirmed Briony in her view that she was entering an arena of adult emotion and dissembling from which her writing was bound to benefit. "
"I'm very very sorry."
Check out my new Read The Classics Challenge and let me know if you are interested!